ATP Finals 2023 | Guess and Win Contest

A final step before winning your dampener, give us a chance to know more about you!

Nov. 21st 2023, 6.14 pm (CET). Time's up! A heartfelt thank you to all participants for the overwhelming response. While the official deadline has passed, if you still wish to participate, you can fill in the form. In the event that some participants do not redeem the offer, late applications will be considered in the order they arrive via email.

We are dedicated to cultivating a community of trailblazers and early adopters who share our passion for innovation. Your unique perspectives and insights are invaluable to us, making it a top priority to understand you better. By learning more about your preferences, needs, and experiences, we aim to create products and experiences that not only meet but exceed your expectations. Your involvement is integral as we embark on this exciting journey together.

REMEBER (IMPORTANT): Fill in the form using the same email you used to vote in our contest (whether on Facebook, Instagram or here on this page)! 

Do you actively play tennis, or are you more of a passionate spectator? 
Congratulations on guessing the ATP Finals winner! How did you make your winning prediction? Gut feeling, stats wizardry, or a bit of both?  
Do you have a favorite tennis gear or accessory that you absolutely swear by?  
Were you aware that 3D printing technology is used to create innovative sports gear, like our AMbelievable™ tennis dampener, before participating in this contest?  
What's the most groundbreaking or innovative sports product you've come across lately, besides our fantastic tennis dampener, of course?  
How do you feel about the fusion of technology, like 3D printing, with classic sports equipment? Exciting or too futuristic?  
If you could suggest one feature or improvement for a tennis dampener, what would it be?  
If you had the chance to play tennis with any historical or current tennis legend, who would it?  
Lastly, what's your go-to celebration move when you win a tennis match or make a winning prediction?  
By submitting the form you declare to have read and understood both our Privacy Policy and the Terms&Conditions of our website. 
Separate email addresses with a comma.

Thank You For Your Participation

  Thank you for participating and sharing your insights! We're thrilled to have you as part of our vibrant community. 🚀

We will soon email you the coupon code to get your free dampener!

ATP Finals 2023 | Your Predictions:

Are you wondering how people are voting so far? Well, here's the summary! Enjoy

Updated Nov. 12th 2023 at 8.51 pm CET | All Values As % of Total